Maybe it is because the holidays have just passed, maybe it is because Ohio in January is just a bit gloomy (and not to mention, ffffrrreeezing), but today, I am in the mood for red. The color red just makes me feel happy inside. Red--the color of Christmas cheer, and of passion, and of confidence. And maybe that's why today I am talking about
Amy Michelle's Sweet Pea baby bags (in red, of course!). The Sweet Pea bag, to me is like freshly polished toe nails -- glossy and cheerful and oh, so red!
Five years ago, two moms, Amy and Michelle, laughed over dinner about the challenges of balancing family, friends and work while trying to stay sane. Michelle’s designer diaper bag, purchased only weeks earlier, was covered in milk stains; receipts and diapers were spilling out all over the place. Her diaper bag was overflowing, not only with baby items, but with her personal necessities--keys, diapers, receipts, planner, cell phones, etc. Amy and Michelle discussed that their diaper bags had replaced their purses as carry-alls. Realizing that women did not want to give up their identities just because they had babies, they sketched out on cocktail napkins the designs for the first Amy Michelle baby bag.
Today, Amy Michelle collection consists of eight different styles. Each bag contains a washable changing pad, internal and external bottle pockets, compartments for diapers and wipes, a stroller attachment and a quick release pacifier holder. They also have credit card slots, a large compartment for purse necessities and a key ring. With or without the baby, Amy Michelle baby bags double as a stylish travel bag.