Monday, November 17, 2008

Where the heck is my Fairy Godmother???

I wish I had a fairy godmother.

I wish she would wave her magic wand over the mountain of laundry I am staring at and make it go away. I can just see it now: as my fairy godmother sings some bibbity bobbity bull, fat little birds will delicately dance my t-shirts into their hangers. Talking mice in caps and no pants will fold my husband's undies and ....(GASP!) put them away! She will wave her magic wand and send the weekend wreckage back from whence it came. Who knew four and one-half children (the 1/2 being my, ummm, Better Half) could wreak so much destruction on my castle? I don't care because my fairy godmother makes it all better.

I wish I had a fairy godmother. But, alas, to grant that wish, I need...oh yeah, a fairy godmother. So where does that leave me? Still staring at the mountain of laundry.

Why do only princesses get fairy godmothers? I may not be a bonafide princess, but I sure as hell know how to act like one. Well, then, if not a fairy godmother, can I least get the wand? (I mean one that does not require batteries or chirp out falsetto princess good cheer). I've done my royal duty--I've trained my oldest daughter well. She has an attitude that could rival Anastasia and Drisella. At least, can't she have a fairy godmother? Then perhaps I could bribe her into wishing for one for me. Or even to just make the laundry go away. More likely she'd just wish I'd disappear. Maybe then I'd luck out and her wish would come true. :)

Dirty diapers got you down??? Check out for a baby bag so beautiful even a princess would do diaper dooty for.

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